Before and After

Acne Fade

Before and After

Acne Fade is good for removing scars and toning the skin. It’s only a one step process and does not cause any flare ups.


Before and After

Acne fade is a great scientific discovery in herbal medicine. It is highly recommended and has significant results in up to 2 days.


Psoriafacs Psoriais

Before and After

We at Extra Natural firmly believe that skin reflects the body’s health. And it is mother nature that holds the key to it.


Before and After

For making even a tiny amount of cream, we use over a hundred pounds of herbs. It is the reason that people worldwide trust our cream to be the number one psoriasis cream.


Eczema X

Before and After

Any skin issues like acne, psoriasis, or eczema should not reduce your confidence. Hence, we offer a unique formulation of miracle herbs used to treat many skin issues from ancient times.


Before and After

We humbly confirm that Extra Natural is the best acne/psoriasis/eczema cream. It is the reason we named it as Extra natural to give that extra care for having glowing skin.




“Acne Fade has helped me with my acne issues, better than any cream I have ever used. I have tried everything that you can think of, and nothing helped me with my acne, like Acne Fade has. I have struggled with acne for multiple years and was never able to find a solution to resolve my acne, until now. If I had known before that, there was a miracle cream that could rid me of acne, in just a couple of weeks, I would have been using it from the start!”

Emily R.
Age 16

“My struggle with acne kept me from socializing with others. After doing a lot of research, I stumbled upon other products. I never knew if they actually worked but I was willing to do anything to get rid of my acne. My friend introduced me to Acne Fade. He said it was made with extra natural ingredients. After 4 days of using the product, I saw progress instantly. It was an amazing experience that boosted my confidence. Now, I can speak to people without trying to hide my face. Thank you Acne Fade!”

Dakota R.
Age 19

“I've been struggling with acne since I was 12 years old. I've tried everything you can think of to fight my acne from, Proactive, switching out my pillowcase, prescriptions from the dermatologist, retinol cream, pills, and none of them worked. I've tried many more things but nothing was as effective on me as much as Acne Fade. Within 2 weeks my face was clear. I lost hope many times, but Acne Fade proved that it was possible to have clear skin.”

Ahmed K.

"Extra Natural is a product put out by an herbalist named Tony Kobach. I had a break out all over my body, that I couldn’t get rid of, and he gave me a cream for it and it completely healed it up. I would strongly recommend this product this is the best medicine I’ve used. I’ve gone to other doctors trying to get it healed up and to stop the bleeding but nothing helped until I got help from Tony Kobach. If you need the right medicine/ herb go to The Extra Natural website to order it. I’m completely satisfied with these products."

Michelle Ramey

"I highly recommend products from Extra Natural. First, I found this line through their wrinkle reduction cream & was really impressed to see improvement so quickly. But, what impressed me most was Tony’s expertise in natural remedies across so many areas. While purchasing the wrinkle cream I spoke w/him about my upcoming hysterectomy I had scheduled, as well as the symptoms I was experiencing. He recommended some natural supplements to offset my symptoms. I was shocked by the improvement!! My symptoms have drastically improved! I’ve been to specialists, numerous procedures, but this is a game changer! Experienced skin care professionals. Amazing results. Professional products."

Stacy Long